We provide expert witness services, opinions and testimony in disputes, arbitration and litigation.
Bad Faith, Usual & Customary Practices, Fair Claim Practices, Self-Insurance, Property & Casualty Insurance, Workers' Compensation, Errors & Omissions, Professional Liability, Agents, Brokers, Underwriters, Managing General Agents & Structured Settlements
Experience Matters
Insurance Risk Consulting and Expert Services
iRisk, LLC is and experienced consulting firm providing services and counsel on insurance, risk management, loss control, claims and litigation management.
Mr. Di Nola has over 37 years of insurance industry experience. He is an Associate in Risk Management. Experienced as a Vice President of Claims, an adjuster, an agent, a broker, a Managing General Agent, a Third-Party Administrator, a consultant and an expert witness in litigation. Expertise includes the usual and customary practices and standard of care required in insurance and bonding transactions (selling, buying, placing, marketing, underwriting and claims).